Friday, January 11, 2008


I was in Australia for the first time for two months, mid May till mid July. It was almost winter season when I got there. It's winter but the weather is just right, not too cold like in the other countries, where the temperature is dropping in negative. The coldest temperature I've experienced when I was there was ten degrees but bearable.

On my usual trip, I occupy the window side. I love to see the places from up above. Overlooking the window before landing to Melbourne, the first thing that I've said to myself is that "I'd really love to be here". From up above, I can already see the vast ocean surrounding the Australian continent along with the plateaus and the desert part of of it.

Setting my foot in Australia, I was amazed on how orderly it is! The surroundings are clean, no traffic and no pollution (even noise pollution - there is none! you rarely hear a car hunk its horn). There are parks everywhere and botanical gardens. The architectural structures as well are great!

A really awesome place!

Sydney, Darling Harbour

Blue Mountains


Blogger Pasionista Group said...

Wow, great article. I want to go to Australia! :-)

January 11, 2008 at 8:56 PM 

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