Thursday, January 3, 2008

Macau - Las Vegas of the East

Brief background of Macau:

Colonized by the Portuguese in the 16th century, Macau was the first European settlement in the Far East. Pursuant to an agreement signed by China and Portugal on 13 April 1987, Macau became the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China on 20 December 1999. China has promised that, under its "one country, two systems" formula, China's socialist economic system will not be practiced in Macau, and that Macau will enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except foreign and defense affairs for the next 50 years.

Macau is usually referred to as the Las Vegas of the East. It is indeed, with gambling as Macau's biggest industry and busloads of tourists arriving daily (from mainland China and abroad) to try their luck in the hundreds of casinos scattered around the city. Must see places in Macau are:


This hotel is HUGE!!! You can already see this massive structure from the plane when landing. Just to give you an idea on how big it can house 90 Boeing 747 jumbo jets!

It opened just last August 28, 2007 and boasts of 3,000 luxury suites. It recreates the beauty of old time Venice complete with canals, gondolas, singing gondoliers. and other legendary Venetian icons.

Other hotels / casinos worth visiting are....



The Ruins of St. Paul (also known as Sam Ba Sing Tzik) is famous for its picturesque front facade and grand stone stairs. It is the only remains of the greatest church in Macau.

First constructed in 1580, St. Paul's Church caught fires in 1595 and 1601. However, reconstruction started in 1602 soon after the church was burnt down. Completed in 1637, the church became the biggest Catholic Church in East Asia at that time. Unfortunately, a violent typhoon hit Macau in 1835 and the church caught fire for the third time leaving its glory a history.

NOTE: Don't forget to try the yummy Portuguese egg tarts that are sold here. This is also a good place to buy your pasalubongs :-)


If you want to see a great view of the city, you should head to the Macau tower. It is the 10th tallest free-standing tower in the world, 8th tallest in Asia. From the highest viewing deck it is possible to see 55km away and it can withstand winds of up to 400km/h.

Aside from the view, there are lots of other activities that you can enjoy in the tower. For the adventurous ones, try AJ Hackett's Mast Climb, Bungy Jump (the highest one in the world!!), SkyJump and Skywalk X. If that's not your type of thing, you can also watch movies in The Theatre, eat delicious cuisines in one of the many cafes and restaurants and shop in the retail shops on the way to the Tower entrance.

Macau is truly an amazing place to visit. If you need a break, this is surely an affordable trip to take.


Blogger Pasionista Group said...

macau seems to be a very interesting place..

i'd love to go there.. :)

January 11, 2008 at 1:09 AM 

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